Sometimes there’s just no better way to figure out next steps and determine if a Succession Plan might work for you, than just talking it through. Glad to help. Submit the form on this page with some basic information and I will email you to schedule a time and date, and we can explore the possibilities one-on-one. The purpose of this consultation is to work through your fact pattern, confidentially and briefly and at no cost, on a Zoom call or by phone if you prefer. After learning more about your situation, I’ll tell you what I think, and together we can consider next best steps. You are under no obligation to do anything. If and when you’d like to move the process forward, I can point you in the right direction or you can engage me to help you lay out the specific blueprints for your Succession Plan. Either way, you’ll know more at the end of this consultation call than you did at the start! Pardon the low-tech approach, but sometimes simpler is better.